Slmz .. Welcome to Ladies Corner #1

A big Jzk to my friends for the recipe's .... More recipe's of mine on click on the buttons for online books..

I'm looking for someone to sponsor a domain ... email

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On a Lighter note - jokes

A cockroach's last words to a man who is about to kill him:
"Go ahead & kill me, u coward! U r jealous of me bcoz ur wife is afraid of me & NOT AFRAID OF YOU !=))

A man received a message from his neighbor ...Sorry sir I am using your wife...I am using day and night ...I am using when u r not present at home....In fact I am using more than U R using.....I confess this because now I feel very much guilt...Hope U will accept my sincere apologies.....Man shot his wife.......Few minutes later he received another message...Sorry Sir spelling mistake... it's not wife but wifi...X_X =))